Letter form the ESPT President Prof. Gérard Siest and the National Societies Coordinator Sanja Stankovic To the National Societies leaders and to their members
• As a reminder, the Nomination Committee (chaired by Urs A. Meyer) is now accepting nominations for the ESPT Executive Board for the period 2017-2020. ESPT President, President-elect, Secretary General, Treasurer and Members at large are to be elected. If you or some of your national members are interested to serve on the ESPT Executive Board, please send the nominee’s curriculum vitae and personal motivation for the candidacy (no more than 200 words).The applications should be e-mailed not later than March 15, 2016 to Urs A. Meyer (urs-a.meyer@unibas.ch).No late nominations will be accepted.To avoid disappointment please do not wait until the last day.An electronic vote regarding these candidates will take place until July and the voting results will be submitted for approval to the General Assembly in the first week of October 2016 in Santorini.
• We kindly remind you that 8th Biologie Prospective Santorini Conference will take place the first week of October 2016 (03th-05th October 2016). The aim of this meeting is to bring together, laboratory medicine specialists, pharmacologists, clinicians, scientists from pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries, geneticists, hospital pharmacists and epidemiologists for discussing how variability in the human genome, in the protein expressed and in the circulatory metabolites could be helpful in different diseases predction, evaluation of environmental risk, and pharmacogenomics. Submission dead line that could be selected for oral presentation is March 30, 2016. Until July 15, 2016, special prices for ESPT members are 600 EUR and for ESPT members-students 275 EUR. More informations about 8th Biologie Prospective Santorini Conferenceare available on website santoriniconference.org.
• We would also like to invite you and your members to the 3rd ESPT Summer Schoolthat will be held inBelgrade, Serbia, on August 22-27, 2016. We hope that you will disseminate the information on the summer school among your members and collaborators and help us to attract graduate students, post‐doctoral scientists, healthcare professionals and early stage researchers from your country. With the main aim to focus on personalized medicine and pharmacogenetics that ESPT wants to teach the young participants of the School, to share our knowledge, experience, latest research etc. More informations about 3rd ESPT Summer Schoolwill be available on ESPT website soon and sent also to you.
Sanja Stankovic
National Societies Coordinator
Prof. Gérard Siest
ESPT President