3rd International congress on “Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Diagnosis and Therapy” (organized by the Hellenic Society of Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Diagnosis and Therapy (EEPHARM)
Congress Dates
The Congress will be held on January 10-11-12, 2020
Congress Venue
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, University Campus, GR 15771 Zographou, Athens
January 10, 11 and 12, 2020
Main Congress Hall
«K. Karatheodori» Auditorium, Department of Mathematics, Zographou University Campus, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Organizing Secretariat – Alpha Public Relations
Alpha Public Relations S.A.
55th Pytheou Str. GR 11743 Athens
T: 0030 210 3645 629 F: 0030 210 3644 441
info@apr.com.gr | www.apr.com.gr
Sponsor & Exhibit Opportunities / Accommodation:
Mrs. Katy Antonopoulou
E: k.antonopoulou@apr.com.gr
T: 0030 210 364 5629
Mrs. Niki Mita
E: n.mita@apr.com.gr
T: 0030 210 364 5629
Financial Dpt:
Mrs. Maria Alikaki
E: m.alikaki@apr.com.gr
T: 0030 210 364 5629